DrakonX covers all your detective-related needs in Los Angeles

Los Angeles is an important economic hub for commerce and entertainment and it is a very busy city that attracts a large crowd every year. Los Angeles has a high tourist flow every year and it has a relatively lively atmosphere and a vibrant nightlife. It’s natural to have a high demand for detectives for any legal trouble that you may find yourself in. There are many types of cases that require professional investigative help in Los Angeles like child support, debtors collection, people locate, and many more. Along with that a lot of infidelity cases are reported. If you want the best private investigators in Los Angeles then you should contact us for expert solutions at affordable rates. We aim to provide services in and around Los Angeles, where you can contact us to get private investigators at affordable rates, which makes it super easy to hire a detective in Los Angeles.

There are a lot of cases that you may not be able to handle by yourself so it is in your best interest to hire a professional to do the job for you efficiently.

About Drakonx

DrakonX is a private investigation firm in Los Angeles. We provide the best detectives in and around Los Angeles. If you are looking for private investigators in Los Angeles then you hit the jackpot with us. You can rest assured that you are getting a competent and trained detective to help you with any type of job that requires the extensive research of a detective. Getting a quality detective at the current time can be expensive and difficult. That is where Drakonx comes in with trained experts in the field with experience who can help you settle any case that you may find yourself in. Our USP can be the competitive rates that we offer our clients.

The most popular services provided are domestic, corporate, and insurance-related. These are the most high-demand cases that require the attention of a detective in Los Angeles. Contact us now for more details.

Domestic services

All the investigative help that you need for personal and family-related reasons is put under this banner. The best private investigators in Los Angeles can help you locate people, conduct premarital investigations, and get you child custody and child support. You can also hire us to conduct background checks and investigations of missing people. Locating assets is also done with utmost care and precision.

Corporate services

Corporate firms mostly need private investigators in Los Angeles for a variety of reasons like investigations on a disloyal employee and undercover investigations. Background checks and criminal activity checks are a major hiccup for most companies while in the hiring process and we ensure that we provide the most extensive data. These services are always in high demand throughout the year and corporate houses remain in tough competition while conducting background checks without any repercussions. We make sure that while we are conducting our work, we do so with the utmost care and according to the needs of the corporate house involved with the case. Disloyal employees and breach of contract remain the next most sought-after cases that require professional investigative help.


Insurance gets tricky and confusing real quick nowadays and in no time you may find yourself in legal trouble with your insurance company. We work hard to ensure nothing like that happens with you. it’s important to get successful claims from insurance companies. Services provided by us include life insurance investigations and workers’ compensation investigations along with disability insurance claims.

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